音乐人创作 《与明讯分手》 | 中国报 China Press

音乐人创作 《与明讯分手》

I've been frustrated with maxis for a while now. At first I thought it was just me but now I see I'm actually not alone ?Every month I pay RM128 for 3GB which runs out after a week and a half. Then two additional top ups of 1GB at RM30 each. Which is a whopping RM188 for 5GB. So when I found out that Digi is doing RM78 for 7GB lets just say I felt more than a little pissed off. So then I called maxis customer service to ask them how to port to another telco, they promised to call me back within the day. Two days later I had still not gotten a call back. Well done maxis! Anyway, so I called them again and had "the talk" and the guy said "you've been with us for more than ten years blah blah blah" to which I replied "yeah but you guys are ripping us off" and he said "oh ok then" ???Yesterday I got a text from maxis saying I've been selected to enjoy a special offer …?????So yeah… Basically maxis, I'm done. I'm out. So long, farewell. We had some good times but I think it's time we see other people. Btw, I wrote you a breakup song #efffyoumaxis#oneofmylongestrelationships#breakingupishardtodo#igotyellowfever#theyellowmanbetterbegood

Russell Curtis 贴上了 2016年4月5日


一名使用明讯电讯服务超过10年的音乐创作人科迪斯(Russell Curtis)于6日(周三)在面子书上,抱怨明讯服务不好,还自创一首歌名为《与明讯分手》,调侃明讯。

